Walking Alongside Trauma Crafts Council of BC and McGill University project commission 2024
Walking Alongside Trauma - progress images for Piece 1 " I take My Seat" and Piece 2 "Converging Tracks"
Commissioned Piece - Walking Alongside Trauma is a collaborative project between Crafts Council of BC Gallery and McGill University iMPACTS initiative.
Artists, Craftspeople were asked to create two pieces based on a collaboration with an individual working with or in the trauma field.
These images here represent in progress work. Finished work will be uploaded at a later date.
Both pieces were created using a complex combination of media including:hand dyed, hand painted, and hand printed 100% organic cotton canvas, appliqué, hand embroidery, sewing machine embroidery, gesso, pencil, quilting, speech bubbles
Size: approx. 28.5 X 21 inches 72.4 cms X 53.3 cms